Bearing the image of the heavenly
Dear Monty, Light I cannot gaze Like those eyes Into eyes Seeing beyond the surface Stars, pools, lights reflecting back. I struggle to see at all Vision blurred by unbelief How did it come to this ? Unlike St Paul Darkness blinds me I search for the light I blunder towards it. Image I look at dog sleeping I see that he is dog No more No less Dog does not strive to be different Does not have to be anything other than himself Dog is dog is dog He bears the image of the heavenly. False Moon Hub cap of former wheel Rusting in hemp agrimony Bracken and teasel A car graveyard Now turned green and purple Gives up its treasure A moon on the apple tree. Faith I agree That gardens can be a sanctuary Voices of sheep, robin and crow Mix in my semi sleep I awake to possibility In this cool pool of morning. Paul.