Descent or perhaps it is the beginning of the ascent
Dear Monty, Life is full of opinions and we have to filter them through our view of the world, but that has its limitations. There is no one universal human point of view of course. There is a painful truth in these words from the book of Hebrews written by the apostle Paul : 'What is obsolete and ageing will soon disappear' So I look for an enduring city. My garden is a sanctuary whether that is right or wrong I do not know, but surely that is true for a good many of us, even if we let others into it from time to time. I came home again home again jiggity jig to an imbalanced sanctuary. I realised that I like straight lines and a degree of 'tidiness'. Oh no ! Oh yes ! So my temporary solution to this is to plant some old laths in the ground like sentinels. I have also begun to see that I myself have descended into some kind of imbalance. 21/10/13 It took only one day in the world of preventative medicine, and my soul shrunk back into a hard stone ...