A pin hole (saving Farm Terrace)
Dear Monty, A pin hole is hardly noticeable in the everyday rush of our lives, but even a pinhole of light if detected can begin to open up our minds to something far greater. Sara Jane Trebar and her battle to save Farm Terrace Allotments www.farmterrace.btck.co.uk is for me one such speck of light in an ever darker world. The trouble is how many people see the universe in that speck ? What makes humans healthy ? Is it all about a man made system heavily reliant on consuming more resources, or is it to do with what nourishes the soul as well as the body ? If you want to follow researched and validated information on health promotion then there is plenty of evidence out there for what makes us healthy. If our motives are truly about wanting to promote health and prevent (as far as is possible) ill health and so reduce the burden on the NHS, how does building over allotments contribute to that ? The air that we all breathe requires nature and green sp...