Dear Monty, A brief letter written about the reality of the day. Today is a day off from tending to wounds, doing ecg's , checking medication and blood pressures, discussing diabetes control, taking bloods, checking lung functions, discussing diets and weight, giving travel advice and vaccines, hormonal treatments and chemotherapy, disease modifying drugs, syringing ears, monitoring chronic diseases, listening and encouraging, and most of all inputting data into the ever hungry machine. My brain slows to a pedestrian pace. I miss Mr Owl - but I may have found a replacement waiting to be revealed from inside a block of fly tipped thermalite found on the coal tip that overshadows this garden. I feel overshadowed. But burning slowly inside is an unquenchable fire - it is held in a glowing ember. I still love this strange mix of post industrial and nature. It is both scruffy and beautiful. I was once a working class boy who made dens and plasticine caterpillars. N...