The seagulls confirmation and other stories.
Dear Monty, Staying put - making a home and seeing the positive in what may appear to be negative circumstances have been confirmed by seagulls today. Yes I am a nutter. Many years ago I sat in Singleton Park Botanic Garden in Swansea during a break in my studies at the time in the nearby university. As I contemplated the future feeling uplifted by the blue sky - the peace of that part of the park - I felt a strong pull to head for Cornwall (of all places) - at that moment a flock of seagulls did their soulful crying above me - At that point I thought my future was confirmed by the seagulls! I am I suppose a sensitive soul - I had been reading about Joshua in the Old Testament - how he was commissioned to take Israel over into new territory, and I somehow believed that I was off to new territory. It wasn't meant to be. Many years have passed and although the Joshua thing did not lead me to Cornwall, it led me instead to this rough at the edges former mining town. ...