Nant y Blodau Bach
Dear Monty, Yes gardens can be whatever your idea of a garden is. I see them as an opportunity for creativity. I have been looking more closely at the natural 'gardens' of the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path and the lush hedgerows. They are truly inspiring. In some places peoples gardens spill over into the hedgerows with a natural blending of natives and introduced plants. Nature does a good job of gardening. What is noticeable though are the areas where farmland grasses border with the paths - and there is much less diversity here. The grasses are green and lush with few native plants. Perhaps this is due to nitrogen ? There is an example of hedgerow and garden blending on the front wall of the cottage we stay at called : 'Nantyblodaubach '- yes John Kingdon that is how it is written ! I did a poor sketch of it - but it is enough info to inform a new fresco. The cottage sits on a quiet lane leading up to Carn Ingli. Moving cattle on Carn Ingl...