The garden returns and I feel Japanese
Dear reader, I'm not sure if you are still out there, which is how I felt about the garden until these last couple of warm days. Underneath the debris the garden was trying to return, and a few hours in the sun, clearing dry stems and cutting back old growth began to reveal what I thought was lost. Cutting and pruning reveals the spaces between. It is this creating of space which more than anything provides me with a sense of satisfaction. I am not a plantsman - any horticulturist would instantly recognise this fact if they stepped into my garden. I consider myself a sculptor of space for better or for worse. Having watched the excellent Japanese Gardens programs by Monty Don - I realise that there are elements that I subconsciously use that are present in a more precise way in Japanese gardens. That made me feel very happy. Here is a sample of today in this small space. Hope you enjoy this Paul