A man's life (post script to fading dream)

Dear Monty,

£500 is a vast sum of money to many people on this planet. What I described in my previous blog as a small budget is really not so small. I know that gardens need not cost the earth to make.

I read this : '.... for a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his posessions.'
Life is more precious than that. Whatever the budget, life is about appreciation of the space, the sky, the green, the air, the birdsong, the insects and a chance to experience them.

Plants need not be abundant, they can be few and divided into many. Repetitive planting of the same plant, or planting in blocks can make a garden.

I am sorry for my ridiculous statement about the budget size - I know what matters is love, love of the space no matter what the size.



  1. You been persecuting yourself again Paul? Stop it. Kindness is needed towards others - and yourself. XXXXX

    1. Hmmm....there is nothing wrong with having the means to make a garden, and I'm glad that people have done so - I was rather challenged by my motives - and truly believe that any space can become a garden without spending a lot. Sometimes it is good to get to the essence of what living means - and it does not always mean money - perhaps this is a lesson I need to grasp and not inflict on others? X

  2. I love the pots on top of the column of ivy - what is the soil pole with the yellow wriggle on top?

    1. Hi, the column is the remains of a pine, the pots came about after a visit to Plas Brodanw where urns are placed high up on stone gate posts.
      The soil pole with a half circle of iron found in the local quarry is a reference to the industry built upon what comes out of the ground - and also mimics the classic u - shape of this glacial valley. Mad I know!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thankyou and what lovely links to place and I don't think made at all


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