Two Days

Dear reader,

The warmth returns


The reflection and refraction of light through the kitchen window from the garden is of its moment
Filtered through the pines and the leafless trees
Sparkling off wet stems and evergreen foliage
It will not be the same ever again
Or at least I may not ever see it as I see it now

The garden is a paradise in this moment
The cloister garden is cloistered

This spectacle of light and of birds feeding avidly after their frozen fast
Of vapours rising from the edges of low walls
It is like an offering of incense in the temple
Offered back to the God who made it.

The Ides of March

The sun appears again
The boiling star brings some warmth today
I am able to sit in the garden and feel its warming touch
Held at the right distance away from its mantling
We continue to ferment upon the surface of the earth

The birds sing their territorial songs
Breeding ovetures
Love songs

Two red kites return over this garden whistling to one another
Like shepherds to their sheep
How many birds and bees went to their eternal sleep during this harsh cold I do not know
But today clouds of gnats rise
No bees
But then the flowering plants were held back by the east wind and are only now beginning to open

Lenten rose

The daffodils have buds but there is not one in flower.


PS We are back in the book 2nd and 3rd June


  1. Very atmospheric! I would love a cloistered garden. Ours is a bit exposed, and we keep trying to think of ways to divide it up a bit more.

    1. The division of the garden has taken many years and many failures ! I'm still working on it - thank you for your lovely comment.

  2. We are achieving cloistered corners - but not that stately sweep you have.

    1. I think it may appear more stately in the photograph than it is in reality :)

  3. Wow! It's not like that over our way.

    1. The cold wind is set to return on the weekend :(


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