You may see things differently

Dear reader,

I used to write these letters to Monty Don, and I still find his contrasting views on gardens very interesting even if a little confusing. He seems to dislike artifice yet he 'loves' Chelsea. This kind of seemingly contradictory mix is probably found in us all - we perhaps go with the tide of opinion, we get swept up in the glory and glamour of show gardens (which those of us who are financially challenged could never achieve) - and then we are brought down to earth by the reality of our own plots.

But what I've also come to realise is that I see my garden differently to others - that my view of my little world is not the same as other peoples view of that world - they see order where I see relaxed - they see weeds where I see food plants for caterpillars - they see too much work where I see .... OK yes I see work too!

Why am I rambling like this ? Well as you may be aware the garden was open this last weekend for the and I always go through a period of self doubt and anxiety about this space, because it is going to be judged by others. We all do it - we all form opinions - we all judge.
Then it dawns on me that to open a garden you are opening yourself up - any creative activity is the same - the created thing comes from within - it is personal. Also to open up - you also have to be open yourself to those other opinions - we may not concur - but sometimes we learn more about what is true for us - it hones what we believe to be important, and sometimes that chimes with our fellow humans. It's a process, a journey - it's life.

I was visited by both the County Organiser Rosamund Davies and her assistant Sol Blytt Jordens - Sol was a garden designer in her previous life - no pressure.

I think that it was understood - and I had many positive comments - people 'felt' the peace of the space - its sheltered, cloistered feel had its desired effect.

I met some lovely people including a Vlogger who lives just up the road - her name is Erica and her Vlog can be found on it's called : Erica's Little Welsh Garden - she is just starting the journey - it's infectious.

Thank you to all that came, sat, chatted, laughed and relaxed- you raised £200 from our garden and £600 combined with the lovely Rhos -y Beddw our best total yet.



  1. I like that message that when we open our gardens we open ourselves, too. Well, ideally anyway.


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